Ruth Cohn - Guest artist:
רות כהן - אמנית אורחת: משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם
Thu Aug 27 2020 17:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Marie Gallery is pleased and honored to welcome veteran painter, printmaker and lecturer Ruth Cohn into our gallery as our visiting artist with her exhibit, “May the winds blow and the rains fall”.
Her innovative and ecologically sensitive series of works being shown here have an exquisite delicacy and yet are bold in their presentation.
These large-scale prints on Japanese paper express Cohn’s concern for the winds and waters of our planet.
We find in these largely monochromatic works, the play and shimmer in the movement of water and the tossed, random repetition of the sketching hand of the wind.
Chana Cromer
Exhibition committee
Marie Gallery
לגלריה מרי יש הכבוד להציג את התערוכה של ד״ר רות כהן - מרצה , אמנית וותיקה ומומחית להדפס ידני, בתערוכה הנקראת ״משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם".
עבודותיה המוצגות כאן בגלריה, הן רגישות וחדשניות במחשבה ובאופן ביצוען. הן עוסקות בטבע ואקולוגיה בעדינות צד לצד באומץ הבעתן.
בחלק מהיצירות המונוכרומטיות האלה נמצאים המשחק והזוהר של מים בזרימה. בעבודות אחרות יש רמז ליד הרוח, המצייר בקווים אקראים וחוזרים על פני הטבע.
חנה קרומר
וועד התערוכות
גלריה מרי
The Earth Elements: the Influences
“He makes the Winds blow and He makes the Rain to fall”
All four elements of Nature - air, water, earth and fire - are in perpetual motion and all are engaged in interactions of creation, destruction, and re-creation. In Nature, enhanced with a divine signification, nothing is ever lost. We cannot see the air, but we feel its manifestations in the wind that moves slowly and peacefully or with great velocity and violence. We see the water as rain or as oceans, lakes and rivers flowing in waves interacting with the air and the earth. We see the earth sculptured by the waves of air and water that have passed over its surface for eons.
Wind is conceived as the intangible “airy spirit” of the world; water is the life-giving agent that makes sentient existence possible.
Such powers of nature, given both a divine and an anthropomorphic form, are also conceived as motivating spirits engaged in the creative transformations of all matter into their elemental forms, air, liquids, and solids
The markings produced by the wind and the water as they pass over the surface of the Earth inspired me to work with both elements and their interactions.
By their movements as they pass over the surface of my hand-made paper this influences me to document, and later to photograph and after to work with Photoshop to enhance
Changes in the currents of wind and water create complex and dynamic markings that are evocative of the mysterious powers of Nature’s creativity.
The earth elements are conceived of as inherent attributes of the gods: the air belongs to Zeus/Jupiter, the water belongs to Poseidon/Neptune, the earth belongs to Demeter/Circe, and fire belongs to Hephaestus/Vulcan.
Dr. Ruth Cohn (University of Haifa)
A Short Statement about the WORK Process of my Artwork:
The markings produced by the wind and the water as they pass over the surface of the Earth inspired me to work with both elements and their interactions for many years.
By their movements as they pass over the surface of my hand-made paper this influences me to document, and later to photograph and afterwards to work with Photoshop to enhance.
Changes in the currents of wind and waters create complex and dynamic markings that are evocative of the mysterious powers of Nature’s signatures.
One can find these in the rocks, on the sands, in the layers of the mountains, on embankments. We are witness to these.
Ruth Cohn
August, 2020