Neta Goren | נטע גורן

Born in Israel, raised in South Africa. I lived and worked in the Netherlands, Italy, Canada and the US. BA from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; MA from University of Haifa. Printmaking at The Florence School of Fine Arts.
I share my time between the parallel universes of painting and printmaking. Materials drive me; also lack of materials, and technical constraints. I often relocate and must reconstruct my studio. The new space, and the new environment, become a new drive. I paint as often as I can and do it mostly indoors.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021. “Homage to American Poetry”, with poet – Shahar Bram, Office in Tel-Aviv Gallery, Tel-Aviv
2016. “Apollo Rising” Cornelius E. Sullivan Gallery, Gloucester, MA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 “Passive Income” Pyramida, Haifa
2021. “Life Span” Gallery 10, Rehovot
2018. “Take-Offs and Landings” Gate 3, Haifa
2017. “Miniscularity” Jane Deering Gallery, Gloucester, MA
2016. “Currents” Law & Water Gallery, Gloucester, MA
2015 “Art Connections 11” George Segal Gallery, Montclair State University, NJ
2014. “ArtSplash” Rockaway Artist Alliance, Rockaway Park, NY
Phone: +972586554517